Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quote of the Day (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on Advent vs. “The Gods of Our Time”)

“People of today have not grown. Technology and commerce have become a law unto themselves, which threatens to destroy the human person. They raise themselves up and their demons populate the heavens as the gods of our time….And in the knowledge of such degradation of the human person, there comes a great hope for a new kind of person, for a rebirth, for the future. Whether one sees this person as a political, moral, intellectual, a warrior, or the man of peace, there is basically one concern– the new person of the future. The human person must not go under, but must triumph. The powers of this world must neither tread the person down nor enslave him. He must remain lord of the world, lord of the future.”—German theologian and anti-Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), November 29, 1931, in Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christmas Sermons, edited and translated by Edwin Robertson

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