Thursday, January 14, 2016

Quote of the Day (Dan Barry, on Ireland’s ‘Joyous and Ferocious’ Hurling)

“The sport might be likened to a mash-up of lacrosse, field hockey and baseball… In truth, hurling is a game all its own, at the highest levels a joyous and ferocious ballet, danced on grass.”—Dan Barry, “An Irish Sport, All Its Own,” The New York Times, Aug. 30, 2015

There is an omission in the above identification of the author that I’d like to remedy immediately. Based on his prior columns for The New York Times, the gentleman who wrote the article from which this quote is derived should be referred to as The Magnificent Dan Barry. I have been sinfully late in directing readers' attention to this particular piece. Now is my chance for repentance.

By all means, go to this hyperlink, then, to understand why the all-Ireland Championship for this sport has come to transfix the Emerald Isle—and the magic that Barry can summon effortlessly in depicting why.

1 comment:

Dan Barry said...

Mike: Thank you for this. Too kind by the length of a hurling pitch. Maybe two. I enjoy your boat beating against the current, a vessel that Peter Quinn raves about. Thanks again, and onward.