Thursday, October 12, 2017

This Day in Exploration History (Columbus Begins Fateful Contact Between Old and New Worlds)

Oct. 12, 1492—When he set foot in the Bahamas after two months across a largely unknown Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus initiated the long-term contact with the natives that fundamentally altered both Europe and the “New World.”

Leave aside for a minute, if you can, and try to reframe that epochal meeting between Native Americans and the Genoese-born navigator in the service of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. This was not really a “discovery” of America: Not only had Scandinavian Leif Ericson come to the Western Hemisphere four centuries before (not to mention, if the Irish are to be believed, St. Brendan the Navigator even before that), but, as Washington Irving chuckled, the Indians never knew they were lost.

The word “exploration” comes closer to what happened, but it only takes into account one side involved in the event.

Instead, historians have come up with other phrases that fit: the “Columbian Encounter” or “Columbian Exchange”--the transatlantic movement and mingling of living organisms, with convulsive impacts on the people and landscapes of the New and Old Worlds.

When I was a schoolboy, Columbus was not seen as a harbinger of imperialism or a perpetrator of genocide. Instead, he was regarded, in his determination, willingness to risk all, and courage, as a forerunner of American patriotism. That link was made explicit in Joaquin Miller’s “Columbus,” written for the 400th anniversary of the sighting of San Salvador:

Then pale and worn, he kept his deck,
 And peered through darkness. Ah, that night
Of all dark nights! And then a speck --
 A light! a light! at last a light!
It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!
 It grew to be Time's burst of dawn.
He gained a world; he gave that world
 Its grandest lesson: "On! sail on!"

Perceptions of Columbus have changed markedly since I was a schoolboy. Back then, controversy swirled, after discovery of the “Vineland Map” detailing Ericson’s voyage, on whether the “Admiral of the Ocean Sea” could really be called the discoverer of America. Now, it is the very moral character of Columbus that is at issue. In enslaving inhabitants of the West Indies and forcibly converting them to Christianity, he introduced practices that haunted the Western Hemisphere for the next four centuries and let loose the even longer-lived virus of slavery.

More so than Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jefferson, and other figures who have sparked monumental (if you’ll pardon the pun) controversies, Columbus was the original Dead White European Male. As such, he’s been made to bear the weight of outrage over several centuries of atrocities, much of which cannot even be traced back to him with any elemental fairness.

There are three titles that illustrate our evolving understanding of Columbus:

*Admiral of the Ocean Sea, by Samuel Eliot Morison: Befitting the author’s penchant for retracing the voyages of his subjects, this 1942 Pulitzer Prize-winning biography is far more concerned with Columbus’ prowess as a mariner than his shortcomings as a human-rights violator. Perhaps this is unsurprising for someone who several years later, in his textbook co-written with Henry Steele Commager, The Growth of the American Republic, refers to a typical black slave as “Sambo.” Morison, then, could hardly be counted on as particularly sensitive toward nonwhites. But even he faulted Columbus as a colonial administrator out of his depth, and could not overlook "the monstrous expedient" that he perpetrated in enslaving the natives and bringing them to Spain as proof that he had indeed found something very different on his voyages.

*The Mysterious History of Columbus, by John Noble Wilford. This shorter bio, published nearly 50 years after Morison’s, took account of the revisionism that had occurred in the interim.  “The burden of the practices Columbus initiated or condoned weighs heavily on his reputation in history,'' Wilford stated bluntly. This is an especially acute examination of just how much responsibility (more than his admirers care to admit, less than his detractors charge) that the explorer bore for the Black Legend, Spain's ``burden of violence and destructive greed.''

* Seeds of Change, edited by Herman J. Viola and Carolyn Margolis. This beautifully illustrated companion to a Smithsonian exhibit 25 years ago examines the wider legacy of Columbus, with contributor essays focusing on five areas: sugar, maize, disease, the horse, and the potato. It also analyzes, in often painful detail, the destructive impact that Columbus’ ethnocentricism would have on whites’ relations with Native-Americans over the next few centuries. At the same time, Viola gives a succinct summary of why the explorer  cannot be forgotten by history:

``Columbus did more than force the cartographers of Europe to revise their maps of the Earth. His voyages of discovery were pivotal in world history. The Western Hemisphere was rapidly and profoundly transformed biologically and culturally by seeds of change--plants, animals and diseases--that were introduced, sometimes deliberately, sometimes accidentally, by Columbus and those who followed him.

``Eventually the processes of encounter and exchange that Columbus initiated affected the Old World as well, altering flora and fauna, reordering the ethnic composition of the countries, changing the diet and health of peoples everywhere. They continue to this day.``

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